50 Uses for Glow Sticks, Glow Rings, and Glow Necklaces

50 Uses for Glow Sticks, Glow Rings, and Glow Necklaces

50 Uses for glow sticks, glow rings, glow necklaces, and anything that glows and is in a tubular form. Premier Glow has compiled a fun and practical list of methods and uses for our favorite glow lighting devices. Be sure to post back your ideas if you think we’ve missed a few.

  1. Glow sticks can be used in emergency situations as a light source when the power fails.
  2. Got a pool? Underwater lights for the pool; especially snazzy for pool parties.
  3. Underwater navigation for diving.
  4. Temporary sources of camp fire amusement.

5. If you

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